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Site Disclaimer for Clients and Potential Advisors:



Thank you for visiting our website. We would like to clarify that while our site is created to better streamline the services of Faithful Answers to clients, this space will serve as to also host a community of talented and knowledgeable Advisors in time. Not all Advisors who join will not provide psychic readings but their talents will range from spiritual guidance, spiritual coaching, life path advice and more however no one on this site and platform guarantee any specific outcomes. It is important to understand the nature of our platform and the limitations of the services we offer here at


  1. Advisory Platform: Our website serves as a platform for Psychic Faithful Answers to showcase their expertise and offer guidance in various areas of life, including relationships, career, spirituality, and personal development, in additional to the potential of added advisors and their talents in time. The Advisors on our site are experienced individuals who can provide insights and advice based on their knowledge and expertise. However, it is essential to note that their guidance should be considered as subjective opinions and perspectives, and not as definitive predictions or absolute truths.

  2. Entertainment Purposes: The services provided by all Advisors are intended for entertainment purposes only. While many people find value and inspiration in the guidance offered, it is important to approach the information provided with an open mind and discernment. We do not make any claims regarding the accuracy, effectiveness, or reliability of the information shared by our Advisors.

  3. Personal Responsibility: It is crucial to recognize that the ultimate responsibility for decision-making lies with the individual seeking advice. Advisors can offer support, insight, and suggestions, but the final choices and actions are the sole responsibility of the individuals involved. We encourage all users to exercise their own judgment, take into account their personal circumstances, and consult appropriate professionals when necessary.

  4. No Substitute for Professional Help: Our website is not a substitute for professional counseling, therapy, legal, financial, or medical advice. If you require assistance in any of these areas, we strongly recommend seeking the guidance of licensed professionals who specialize in those fields. Advisors are not qualified to provide such professional advice, and their services should not be relied upon as a substitute.

  5. User Discretion: Users of our website are responsible for their own experiences, communications and interactions with the Advisors. We encourage users to exercise caution, trust their instincts, and make informed decisions when engaging with an Advisor. We do not assume any liability for any actions, claims, or damages resulting from the use of our platform or the services provided by our Advisors.

  6. Refund Policy: When using the site you understand and acknowledge that spiritual guidance is a personal and unique experience. Although we are committed to your satisfaction, and we do have a strict no-refund policy; we may consider certain rare and extreme circumstances like billing and technical issues for refund. Please contact Customer Support to discuss your situation further. We encourage you to carefully consider your decision before booking a session with Faithful Answers, and any Advisor who may be added onto the platform.


By accessing our website and engaging with such Advisors, you acknowledge and accept the aforementioned disclaimers and the terms and conditions of the platform. By seeking out services, guidance, chats, emails and support from Faithful Answers you acknowledge and accept the aforementioned disclaimers and terms and conditions of the platform but also release this advisor from any legal action. 


Remember, the power to shape your life lies within you, and our platform is here to provide support and guidance as you navigate your own journey and to connect to Advisors from all over the world.



Advisor Disclaimer: 


By signing up as an Advisor on our platform, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Independent Business: As an Advisor, you operate your business independently and are responsible for managing your own services, pricing, availability, and client interactions. We do not control or supervise your activities as an independent business owner. You understand that any advice, services, or guidance you provide to clients are solely your responsibility, and we are not liable for the outcomes or consequences of your actions.

  2. No Guarantee of Clients or Income: While we strive to attract a diverse user base to our platform, we do not guarantee a specific number of clients or a particular level of income. Client engagement and success on our platform depend on various factors, including your expertise, reputation, and the demand for your services. Your success as an Advisor relies on your own efforts and marketing strategies.

  3. Advertising Fees: Our platform may require a monthly advertising fee for showcasing your services. Please note that this fee is non-refundable. Once the fee is paid and your advertising is active on our platform for the designated month, no refunds will be issued for any reason. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are satisfied with the advertising services provided before making a payment.

  4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: As an Advisor, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical guidelines governing your profession or the services you offer. It is your responsibility to ensure that your practices align with legal and ethical standards. We reserve the right to remove or suspend your account if we determine, at our sole discretion, that you have violated any laws or regulations.

  5. Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, or expenses arising from your activities as an Advisor on our platform. This includes but is not limited to client disputes, misrepresentation of credentials or qualifications, or any other issues that may arise from the services you provide.


Please carefully review and understand these terms before signing up as an Advisor on our platform. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our support team for clarification. By proceeding with the signup process, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions.

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